200개 대학의 600개의 무료 온라인 강좌!!
2018. 1. 3. 08:52
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지난 6년 정도 동안 800 개 대학에 가까운 대학이 8,000 개 이상의 MOOC를 만들었습니다.
지난 3개월 동안만 200개가 넘는 대학들이 600개의 무료 온라인 강좌를 발표했습니다.
이들 중 많은 것들이 완전히 자기 진행적이어서, 편안히 강좌를 들을 수 있습니다.
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning from (taught by Stanford prof. Andrew Ng)
- Algorithms: Design and Analysis from Stanford University (old Coursera course, but hosted without any paywalls directly by Stanford)
- Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 2 from Stanford University
- The Unix Workbench from Johns Hopkins University
- Hacking and Patching from University of Colorado System
- Machine Learning from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Linux Server Management and Security from University of Colorado System
- Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization from
- Structuring Machine Learning Projects from
- Sequence Models from
- Convolutional Neural Networks from
- Accessible Gamification for Business from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Accounting Analysis II: Measurement and Disclosure of Liabilities from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Bayesian Methods for Machine Learning from Higher School of Economics
- Natural Language Processing from Higher School of Economics
- Introduction to Deep Learning from Higher School of Economics
- Deep Learning in Computer Vision from Higher School of Economics
- Addressing Large Hadron Collider Challenges by Machine Learningfrom Higher School of Economics
- Introduction to Reinforcement Learning from Higher School of Economics
- Introduction to TCP/IP from Yonsei University
- Deep Learning for Business from Yonsei University
- TV Whitespaces for Museums and Archives from San Jose State University
- Capstone: Autonomous Runway Detection for IoT from EIT Digital
- Homeland Security & Cybersecurity Connection – It’s Not About the Terrorists from University of Colorado System
- Packet Switching Networks and Algorithms from University of Colorado System
- Proactive Computer Security from University of Colorado System
- Introduction to Cybersecurity for Business from University of Colorado System
- Cyber Threats and Attack Vectors from University of Colorado System
- Detecting and Mitigating Cyber Threats and Attacks from University of Colorado System
- Cybersecurity Policy for Aviation and Internet Infrastructures from University of Colorado System
- Enterprise System Management and Security from University of Colorado System
- TCP/IP and Advanced Topics from University of Colorado System
- Peer-to-Peer Protocols and Local Area Networks from University of Colorado System
- Windows Server Management and Security from University of Colorado System
- Planning, Auditing and Maintaining Enterprise Systems from University of Colorado System
- Homeland Security and Cybersecurity Future from University of Colorado System
- Cybersecurity Policy for Water and Electricity Infrastructures from University of Colorado System
- Fundamentals of Network Communication from University of Colorado System
- Design and Analyze Secure Networked Systems from University of Colorado System
- Secure Networked System with Firewall and IDS from University of Colorado System
- Symmetric Cryptography from University of Colorado System
- Cryptography and Information Theory from University of Colorado System
- Cryptographic Hash and Integrity Protection from University of Colorado System
- Asymmetric Cryptography and Key Management from University of Colorado System
- Basic Cryptography and Programming with Crypto API from University of Colorado System
- Classical Cryptosystems and Core Concepts from University of Colorado System
- Архитектура ЭВМ (Computer Architecture) from Saint Petersburg State University
- Sparse Representations in Signal and Image Processing: Fundamentalsfrom Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
- Sparse Representations in Image Processing: From Theory to Practicefrom Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
- Cutting Edge Deep Learning For Coders, Part 2 from
- Architettura degli elaboratori from University of Urbino
- Liberating Programming: System Development for Everyone from Weizmann Institute of Science
- Банковское дело и финансы from Sberbank Corporate University
- Digital Accessibility as a Business Practice from Ryerson University
- Advanced MATLAB for Scientific Computing from Stanford University
- Building Web Applications in PHP from University of Michigan
- Building Database Applications in PHP from University of Michigan
- JavaScript, jQuery, and JSON from University of Michigan
- Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL) from University of Michigan
- Server-side Development with NodeJS, Express and MongoDB from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Database Systems Concepts and Design from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Programming Fundamentals from Duke University
- Python Programming Essentials from Rice University
- Python Data Representations from Rice University
- Parallel Programming in Java from Rice University
- Distributed Programming in Java from Rice University
- Concurrent Programming in Java from Rice University
- 3D Models for Virtual Reality from University of London International Programmes
- Building Interactive 3D Characters and Social VR from University of London International Programmes
- Introduction to Virtual Reality from University of London International Programmes
- Making Your First Virtual Reality Game from University of London International Programmes
- 3D Interaction Design in Virtual Reality from University of London International Programmes
- Software Development Processes and Methodologies from University of Minnesota
- Agile Software Development from University of Minnesota ★★★★☆(1)
- Lean Software Development from University of Minnesota
- Engineering Practices for Building Quality Software from University of Minnesota
- Globally Distributed Software Engineering from Delft University of Technology
- Программирование на Python from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
- Тонкости верстки from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
- Основы HTML и CSS from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
- JavaScript, часть 1: основы и функции from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
- Основы дизайна мобильных приложений from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
- Introducción a la programación orientada a objetos en Java from Universidad de los Andes
- Design Patterns from University of Alberta
- Object-Oriented Design from University of Alberta
- Service-Oriented Architecture from University of Alberta
- Software Architecture from University of Alberta
- Software Design as an Element of the Software Development Lifecyclefrom University of Colorado System
- Software Design Methods and Tools from University of Colorado System
- Software Design as an Abstraction from University of Colorado System
- Software Design Threats and Mitigations from University of Colorado System
- Video Game Design: Teamwork & Collaboration from Rochester Institute of Technology
- Базы данных (Databases) from Saint Petersburg State University
- Aprende a programar en C desde cero from Universitat Jaume I
- Introducción a la programación en Python I: Aprendiendo a programar con Python from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Fare Apps in classe, ora! from University of Urbino
- Creando Apps. Aprende a programar aplicaciones móviles from Universitas Telefónica
- Introducción al diseño de videojuegos from Universitas Telefónica
- Game Design and Development: Video Game Character Design from Abertay University
- Hacking PostgreSQL: Data Access Methods from Ural Federal University
- Modern Masterpieces of World Literature from Harvard University
- Religion, Conflict and Peace from Harvard University
- Ancient Masterpieces of World Literature from Harvard University
- China Humanities: The Individual in Chinese Culture from Harvard University
- Supporting English Learners: Resources for Leaders from Stanford University
- Sports and the University from Stanford University
- Wonders of Ancient Egypt from University of Pennsylvania
- Race and Cultural Diversity in American Life and History from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Studying in Italian – Science and Mathematics: a MOVE-ME Project Course from The Open University
- Studying in Italian – Law and Economics: a MOVE-ME Project Coursefrom The Open University
- Faith and Finance from Boston University
- Philosophy, Science and Religion: Philosophy and Religion from University of Edinburgh
- The Birmingham Qur’an: Its Journey from the Islamic Heartlands from University of Birmingham
- Frontières en tous genres from University of Geneva
- Incipit. Curso básico de lengua y cultura latinas from Universitat Politècnica de València
- 東亞儒家:人文精神二(East Asian Confucianisms: Humanism 2) from National Taiwan University
- Arab-Islamic History: From Tribes to Empires from Tel Aviv University
- Knowledge Exchange: Using, Protecting and Monetizing Ideas with Third Parties from Leiden University
- El Valle de los Reyes from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
- ITA101 – Benvenuti in Italia! Orientarsi con l’italiano from Politecnico di Milano
- Re-imaging God in Korean Context from Yonsei University
- Mitos clásicos y mundo actual from Universidad Carlos iii de Madrid
- Philosophy for Children and P.E.A.C.E. from University of Naples Federico II
- L’innovazione sociale per il patrimonio culturale from University of Naples Federico II
- Dante tra poesia e scienza from University of Naples Federico II
- La costruzione dell’Italia from University of Naples Federico II
- La Letteratura latina in età post-augustea from University of Naples Federico II
- Comprendere la filosofia from University of Naples Federico II
- L’Italiano nel mondo from University of Naples Federico II
- Русский как иностранный: B1 (Повторение). Russian as a foreign language B1 (Revision) from Saint Petersburg State University
- Китайский для начинающих (Chinese for beginners) from Saint Petersburg State University
- Ислам: история, культура, практика (Islam: history, culture, praxis)from Saint Petersburg State University
- Business Start–Up: From Idea to Launch from IOC Athlete MOOC
- Safeguarding Athletes from Harassment and Abuse from McMaster University
- Exercise Physiology – The Body In Motion from IOC Athlete MOOC
- Writing your World: Finding yourself in the academic space from University of Cape Town
- Power of the Pen: Identities and Social Issues in Poetry and Plays from University of Iowa
- Power of the Pen: Identities and Social Issues in Fiction and Nonfictionfrom University of Iowa
- Sports Nutrition: Eat to Compete from IOC Athlete MOOC
- The Art and Science of Coaching from IOC Athlete MOOC
- Russian History: from Lenin to Putin from University of California, Santa Cruz
- Why Research Matters from Deakin University
- The Qur’an Between Judaism and Christianity from The University of Nottingham
- Words Spun Out of Images: Visual and Literary Culture in Nineteenth Century Japan from The University of Tokyo
- Humphry Davy: Laughing Gas, Literature, and the Lamp from Lancaster University
- (K-12) Teaching Math to English Language Learners from Iowa State University
- The Spain of Don Quixote from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- Paesaggi di Roma Antica. Archeologia e storia del Palatino. from Sapienza University of Rome
- Logic and Paradoxes from Universidad de Navarra
- New Zealand Landscape as Culture: Islands (Ngā Motu) from Victoria University of Wellington
- A History of Violence: From the Middle Ages to Modern Times from University of Newcastle
- Digital Culture and Writing from University of Burgundy
- Livres enluminés à la cour des Sforza from University of Pavia
- Beer Matters from University of Wisconsin – Whitewater
- ga080: memento mori-死を想え- from Tohoku University
- 다문화 사회와 공존의 인문학 from Inha University
- pt015: 食文化の本来と将来 from Kokushikan University
- Visión cristiana de la persona humana from Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso
- Comunicación cultural en España from Antonio de Nebrija University
- Spanish Across the Americas: Beginners from Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
- The Bible in Light of the Ancient Near East from Bar-Ilan University
- Fantastic Fiction and Where to Find It from Linnaeus University
- Introduction to Kabbalah from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Data Science: R Basics from Harvard University
- Causal Diagrams: Draw Your Assumptions Before Your Conclusionsfrom Harvard University
- Principles, Statistical and Computational Tools for Reproducible Science from Harvard University
- Data Science Ethics from University of Michigan
- Statistical Modeling and Regression Analysis from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Big Data Analytics in Healthcare from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Data Analytics Foundations for Accountancy I from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Introduction to Genomic Data Science from University of California, San Diego
- Python Data Visualization from Rice University
- Python Data Analysis from Rice University
- Understanding Your Data: Analytical Tools from University of Virginia
- How to Win a Data Science Competition: Learn from Top Kagglers from Higher School of Economics
- Big Data and the Environment from University of Reading
- Predictive Modeling in Learning Analytics from University of Texas Arlington
- Knowledge Inference and Structure Discovery for Education from University of Texas Arlington
- Multimodal Learning Analytics from University of Texas Arlington
- Social Network Analysis (SNA) from University of Texas Arlington
- Connecting Learning Data to Improve Instructional Design from University of Texas Arlington
- Feature Engineering for Improving Learning Environments from University of Texas Arlington
- Cluster Analysis from University of Texas Arlington
- Learning Analytics Fundamentals from University of Texas Arlington
- Whole genome sequencing of bacterial genomes – tools and applications from Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
- Understanding Data from George Mason University
- Análisis de Datos Experimentales: Utilidades Básicas. from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Advanced Data Mining with Weka from University of Waikato
- Введение в данные from Novosibirsk State University
- Тренды и классификации from Novosibirsk State University
- pt010: 高校生のためのデータサイエンス入門 from Shiga University
- Calculus Applied! from Harvard University
- Differential Equations: 2×2 Systems from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Introduction to Probability: Part 1 – The Fundamentals from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Introduction to Graph Theory from University of California, San Diego
- What is a Proof? from University of California, San Diego
- Number Theory and Cryptography from University of California, San Diego
- Delivery Problem from University of California, San Diego
- Геометрия и группы from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
- Mathematical Foundations for Cryptography from University of Colorado System
- Математические методы в психологии. Основы применения (Mathematical Methods in Psychology: Basics of Applying) from Saint Petersburg State University
- More Fun with Prime Numbers from Kyoto University
- Precalculus: the Mathematics of Numbers, Functions and Equationsfrom University of Padova
- Advanced Precalculus: Geometry, Trigonometry and Exponentials from University of Padova
- Einführung in die Graphentheorie from ITMO University
- The Climate-Energy Challenge from Harvard University
- Hurricanes: What’s Next? from University of Michigan
- Thomas Berry的世界观:地球社区的繁荣 (The Worldview of Thomas Berry: The Flourishing of the Earth Community) from Yale University
- 宇宙之旅:展现生命 (Journey of the Universe: The Unfolding of Life)from Yale University
- 宇宙之旅:对话 (Journey of the Universe: Weaving Knowledge and Action) from Yale University
- Analyze your Genome! from University of California, San Diego
- Introduction to Mechanics, Part 1 from Rice University
- 生物学概念与途径 from Peking University
- Simulation Neuroscience from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- Life on Earth: Biomes, Climates, Ecology, and Evolution from Ohio State University
- Energy and Earth: Fossil Fuels, Alternative, and Renewable Energy from Ohio State University
- Earth’s Environment: Soil, Water, and Air from Ohio State University
- Introducción a la Geotermia from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- A Circular Economy of Metals: Towards a Sustainable Societal Metabolism from Leiden University
- Sustainability of Social-Ecological Systems: the Nexus between Water, Energy and Food from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
- Laboratorio di Programmazione from University of Naples Federico II
- Science & Religion 101 from University of Alberta
- Nutrition and Health: Human Microbiome from Wageningen University
- Principios básicos de divulgación científica from Universidad de Cantabria
- Квантовые вычисления (Quantum computing) from Saint Petersburg State University
- Неорганическая химия: Введение в химию элементов (Inorganic chemistry: Introduction to chemistry of the elements) from Saint Petersburg State University
- Введение в физиологию (Introduction to physiology) from Saint Petersburg State University
- Общие вопросы патологии и патологической анатомии (General Issues of Pathology and Pathological Physiology from Saint Petersburg State University
- Life in the Universe: Syntheses for Life from Seoul National University
- Wasser in der Schweiz from University of Zurich
- Ecosystems of California from University of California, Santa Cruz
- Physiology: the Science of Life from University of Liverpool
- Discover Best Practice Farming for a Sustainable 2050 from University of Western Australia
- Language Testing during Awake Brain Surgery from University of Groningen
- The Scientific Revolution: Understanding the Roots of Modern Sciencefrom University of Groningen
- Water Scarcity: Crisis and Response from Colorado State University Online
- Intro to Acoustics (Part 1) from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Metabolomics in Life Sciences from Osaka University
- Planning for Climate Change in African Cities from Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Autophagy: Research Behind the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine from Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Introduction to Sustainability and Development from Deakin University
- Sistemas Coloidales en Alimentos. Del Laboratorio a la Cocina from Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- Sex, Science and Society from University of Newcastle
- Plasmonics: From Fundamentals to Modern Applications from ITMO University
- Why Biology Matters: Basic Concepts from Pompeu Fabra University
- L’eredità di Volta: dalla pila al fotovoltaico from University of Pavia
- Batteries, Fuel Cells, and their Role in Modern Society from Ural Federal University
- Scientific Methods and Research from Ural Federal University
- ga079: 解明:オーロラの謎 from Tohoku University
- Metodología Avanzada en Fisiología Celular from University of Extremadura
- Introducción a las ondas gravitacionales from Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
- Ecosistema y Cultura from Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
- Brewing Microbiology from Oklahoma State University
- Essentials of Program Strategy and Evaluation from Stanford University
- Love as a Force for Social Justice from Stanford University
- The Threat of Nuclear Terrorism from Stanford University
- Democracy and Development: Perspectives from Africa from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Network Dynamics of Social Behavior from University of Pennsylvania
- The Internet and You from University of Michigan
- Fake News, Facts, and Alternative Facts from University of Michigan
- Privacy, Reputation, and Identity in a Digital Age from University of Michigan
- Public Library Marketing and Public Relations from University of Michigan
- Infrastructure Management for Public Libraries from University of Michigan
- Grant Writing and Crowdfunding for Public Libraries from University of Michigan
- Strategic Planning for Public Libraries from University of Michigan
- Introduction to Psychology as a Science 2 – Fundamentals of the Mind and Behavior from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Introduction to Psychology as a Science 3 – Normal and Abnormal Behavior from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Introduction to Psychology as a Science 1 – Methodological and Biological Foundations from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Everyday Parenting: The ABCs of Child Rearing from Yale University
- Risk and Return and the Weighted Average Cost of Capital from Columbia University
- Federal Taxation I: Individuals, Employees, and Sole Proprietors from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Federal Taxation II: Property Transactions of Business Owners and Shareholders from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- The Science of Parenting from University of California, San Diego
- Introduction to Social Research Methods from University of Edinburgh
- 电子商务 E-Commerce from Peking University
- Microeconomic Principles: Decision-making Under Scarcity from Arizona State University
- Stalin and Stalinism in Russian History from Higher School of Economics
- Justice, Mercy and Mass Incarceration from Vanderbilt University
- International Affairs: Global Governance from University of Geneva
- Genre : quels enjeux ? Violences, globalisation, biomédecine, sexualités.from University of Geneva
- Trade, Immigration and Exchange Rates in a Globalized World from IE Business School
- El desarrollo de la relación laboral: Derechos y Obligaciones from Universitat Politècnica de València
- Evaluación de peligros y riesgos por fenómenos naturales from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- 經濟學概論:誘因與市場(Introduction to Economics: Incentive and Markets) from National Taiwan University
- Genius. Talent. Golden Mediocrity from Tsinghua University
- Political Economy of Institutions and Development from Leiden University
- After the Arab Spring – Democratic Aspirations and State Failure from University of Copenhagen
- ED101: Embracing Diversity from Politecnico di Milano
- SustArch101 – Sustainable building design for tropical climates: principles and guidelines for EAC from Politecnico di Milano
- Psicologia dell’apprendimento from University of Naples Federico II
- Il potere dei sondaggi from University of Naples Federico II
- La povertà nella società contemporanea from University of Naples Federico II
- Long-term Financial Management from University System of Maryland
- Flood Risk Management from RWTH Aachen University
- Психология сознания (Psychology of consciousness) from Saint Petersburg State University
- Психолингвистика (Psycholinguistics) from Saint Petersburg State University
- Введение в гендерную социологию (Introduction to the Sociology of Gender) from Saint Petersburg State University
- Political Governance and Public Policy in Russia from Saint Petersburg State University
- Constitutional Reforms in Russia from Saint Petersburg State University
- Налоговое право (Tax law) from Saint Petersburg State University
- Правовое регулирование отношений в Интернете. Российская перспектива from Saint Petersburg State University
- Counseling and Psychotherapy Theory from Seoul National University
- Global Prosperity Beyond GDP from University College London
- Principios de Microeconomía from George Mason University
- Understanding the General Data Protection Regulation from University of Groningen
- Responsive Cities from ETH Zurich
- Human Population Dynamics: Births, Deaths and Migrations from McGill University
- Water for the People: Gender, Human Rights, and Diplomacy from Colorado State University Online
- Concepts in Sustainable Development: an Introduction to the Key Issues from University of Leicester
- Římské právo from Palacký University, Olomouc
- Les transitions énergétique-écologiques dans les pays du Sud from École normale supérieure
- Life of the law from Universidad de Navarra
- Understanding child development: from synapse to society from Utrecht University
- Exploring Economics: Will the Next Generation Be Worse Off? from Griffith University
- Theory of Change for Development from University of the Witwatersrand
- Global Studies: the End of Globalization? from Grenoble School of Management
- Understanding Violence Against Women: Myths and Realities from University of Strathclyde
- Common Sense Economics For Life (Part 2) from Gus A. Stavros Center
- Common Sense Economics For Life (Part 1) from Gus A. Stavros Center
- Common Sense Economics For Life (Part 4) from Gus A. Stavros Center
- Common Sense Economics For Life (Part 3) from Gus A. Stavros Center
- Сравнение и создание групп from Novosibirsk State University
- Исследование статистических взаимосвязей from Novosibirsk State University
- Ser competente digital, para vivir y convivir en la sociedad en red from Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- Beyond the Ballot: Women’s Rights and Suffrage from 1866 to Todayfrom Royal Holloway, University of London
- Ser ciudadano hoy from Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso
- ga077: 都市の災害リスクとその備え from Osaka City University
- Green transport. Vehículos verdes, conectados y automatizados from Antonio de Nebrija University
- Gestión del agua: Introducción al tratamiento de aguas residuales/ Water management: Introduction to the Treatment of Urban Sewagefrom University of Extremadura
- Governance of Disaster Risk from University of Extremadura
- International and African Legal Framework on Freedom of Expressionfrom University of Pretoria
- Digital Culture/Clutter: Life and Death on the Net from University of Haifa
- Integrating Language Development and Content Learning in Math: Focus on Reasoning from Stanford Graduate School of Education
- Constructive Classroom Conversations: Improving Student-to-Student Interactions from Stanford Graduate School of Education
- Introduction to Online and Blended Teaching from University of Pennsylvania
- CSET Science Subtest I Exam Preparation Resource from University of California, Irvine
- CSET Math Subtest II Exam Preparation Resource from University of California, Irvine
- CSET Math Subtest III Exam Preparation Resource from University of California, Irvine
- University Studies for Student Veterans from Columbia University
- Making Teacher Education Relevant for 21st Century Africa from The Open University
- AP® Psychology – Course 0: Introduction from The University of British Columbia
- Blended Learning Essentials: Developing Digital Skills from University of Leeds
- Fundamentos TIC para profesionales de negocios: Programación from Universitat Politècnica de València
- Cómo hacer una tesis from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- DTransform101 – D-TRANSFORM: University Strategies in the Digital Age from Politecnico di Milano
- Educar para los nuevos medios: competencia mediática para docentesfrom Universidad de Cantabria
- Teaching Statistics Through Inferential Reasoning from Friday Institute
- Teaching Foundational Reading Skills from Friday Institute
- (K-12/HE) Implementing UDL on Canvas from University of Tennessee
- Researching learners’ experiences and uses of technology using action research from Oxford Brookes University
- Tinkering Fundamentals: Motion and Mechanisms from Exploratorium
- Tinkering Fundamentals: Circuits from Exploratorium
- Making Apps in Your Classroom, Now! from University of Urbino
- Algorithms in Your Classroom, Now! from University of Urbino
- Algoritmi quotidiani from University of Urbino
- Coding in Their Classrooms, Now! from University of Urbino
- Preparing for College: Writing Proficiency from Parkland College
- Teaching Online: Reflections on Practice from Kirkwood Community College
- College Readiness (FL17) – Reading, Writing and Math from Broward College
- Preparing for College: Reading Proficiency from Parkland College
- Preparing for College: Math Proficiency from Parkland College
- Docencia para la capacitación laboral y el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida. from Universidad de Chile
- Criterios para la Gestión y el Aseguramiento de la Calidad en la Educación Superior from Universidad de Chile
- Hoe overleef ik de eerste weken bij de ATGM (Avans) from Avans University of Applied Sciences
- How to survive the first weeks at ATGM (Avans) from Avans University of Applied Sciences
- Gamification in educazione: nuove strade per apprendere! from University of Florence
- El profesor del siglo XXI from Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso
- TIC en la docencia from Universidad CES
- Staying Fit from Stanford University
- Interprofessional Education for 21st Century Care from Stanford University
- The Oral Cavity: Portal to Health and Disease from University of Pennsylvania
- Epidemiology in Public Health Practice from Johns Hopkins University
- Setting the Stage for Success: An Eye on Safety Culture and Teamwork (Patient Safety II) from Johns Hopkins University
- Diagnosing Health Behaviors for Global Health Programs from Johns Hopkins University
- The People, Power, and Pride of Public Health from Johns Hopkins University
- Planning a Patient Safety or Quality Improvement Project (Patient Safety III) from Johns Hopkins University
- Patient Safety and Quality Improvement: Developing a Systems View (Patient Safety I) from Johns Hopkins University
- Sleep Deprivation: Habits, Solutions, and Strategies from University of Michigan
- 大学生瑜伽 from Peking University
- The Science of Health Care Delivery from Arizona State University
- Introduction to Public Health Engineering in Humanitarian Contextsfrom École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- Causes of Human Disease: Exploring Cancer and Genetic Disease from University of Leeds
- Causes of Human Disease: Nutrition and Environment from University of Leeds
- Causes of Human Disease: Transmitting and Fighting Infection from University of Leeds
- Causes of Human Disease: Understanding Cardiovascular Disease from University of Leeds
- Causes of Human Disease: Understanding Causes of Disease from University of Leeds
- Fixing Healthcare Delivery 2.0: Advanced Lean from University of Florida
- Health Concepts in Chinese Medicine from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Creating Moments of Joy for People with Alzheimer’s from Purdue University
- Understanding Depression and Low Mood in Young People from University of Reading
- Clinical Biosafety Awareness for Public Health Professionals from Emory University
- Intermediate Level Biosafety Training for Public Health Professionalsfrom Emory University
- 食品安全與風險分析(Food Safety&Risk Analysis) from National Taiwan University
- Schizophrenia from Wesleyan University
- Viruses & How to Beat Them: Cells, Immunity, Vaccines from Tel Aviv University
- Clinical Supervision: Teaching and Facilitating Learning from University of East Anglia
- Youth Mental Health: Helping Young People with Anxiety from University of East Anglia
- Clinical Supervision: Assessing and Providing Feedback from University of East Anglia
- Using Personalized Medicine and Pharmacogenetics from University of East Anglia
- Managing Change in a Healthcare Environment from University of East Anglia
- End-of-Life Care for People with Dementia from University of East Anglia
- Using Infection Control to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance from University of East Anglia
- The Role of Personal Assistants in Disability Support from University of East Anglia
- Introduction to Translational Science from University of Rochester
- Introduction to Health Technology Assessment from University of Glasgow
- Fundamentos de la Seguridad del Paciente from Universidad de Cantabria
- Young People and their Mental Health from University of Cambridge
- Jongeren en hun psychische gezondheid from University of Groningen
- El aula inclusiva hoy en día. Cómo afrontar el Trastorno del Espectro Autista y las Altas Capacidades from Universitat Jaume I
- Everyday Chinese Medicine from The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Positive Psychiatry and Mental Health from The University of Sydney
- Myocardial Infarction from University of Zurich
- 口腔种植学 (Implant Dentistry) from The University of Hong Kong
- Control and Elimination of Visceral Leishmaniasis from London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
- The Lancet Maternal Health Series: Global Research and Evidence from London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
- Life with Diabetes from Curtin University
- Promoción del envejecimiento activo from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- ZEKİ-OTİSTİK: Otizmli Bireyleri Teknoloji Kaynaklarıyla Eşleştirmekfrom University of Bath
- Valencian SMART-ASD: Recursos Tecnològics Adequats per a les Persones amb Autisme from University of Bath
- Curso SMART-ASD: Conectando Tecnologías con Personas con Autismofrom University of Bath
- Training healthcare teams in intercultural communication and patient safety from Middlesex University London
- Falling Down: Problematic Substance Use in Later Life from Middlesex University London
- Unravelling solutions for Future Food problems from Utrecht University
- Transitioning to Value-Based Care from The College of St. Scholastica
- Vona du Toit Model of Creative Ability from University of Northampton
- Maternity Care: Building Relationships Really Does Save Lives from Griffith University
- Introduction to Stewart’s Model of Physiological Acid-Base Chemistryfrom University of the Witwatersrand
- Digital Health for Cancer Management: Smart Health Technologies in Complex Diseases from Tapei Medical University
- A Global History of Architecture from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- 浪漫主义时代的欧洲音乐 European Music in Romantic Period from Peking University
- Design Thinking for the Greater Good: Innovation in the Social Sectorfrom University of Virginia
- Getting Started with Agile and Design Thinking from University of Virginia
- Navigate the Music Industry as an Independent Artist from Berklee College of Music
- Composição: Escrevendo a letra from Berklee College of Music
- Designing Synthesizer Sounds from Berklee College of Music
- Produção final do músico moderno from Berklee College of Music
- A tecnologia da produção musical from Berklee College of Music
- Improvisación de jazz from Berklee College of Music
- Desenvolvendo sua musicalidade from Berklee College of Music
- Improvisação no Jazz from Berklee College of Music
- Introdução à Guitarra from Berklee College of Music
- Прототипирование и тестирование интерфейса from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
- Создание концепции интерфейса from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
- Introducción a la Producción Audiovisual from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- Organizing for Innovation from HEC Paris
- Lánzate a la Innovación con Design Thinking from The Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
- Fundamentals of Communication Acoustics from RWTH Aachen University
- Applications in Communication Acoustics from RWTH Aachen University
- Дизайн-методология: управление вдохновением (Design-methodology. Inspiration management) from Saint Petersburg State University
- Inside Opera: Why Does It Matter? from King’s College London
- Fashion as Design from The Museum of Modern Art
- Dibujo en el aula: enseñar un lenguaje mágico from Universidad de Navarra
- Latin American Music: Translating Cultural Sensibilities from Massey University
- Learn Jazz Piano: I. Begin with the Blues from Goldsmiths University of London
- Kreativní práce s informacemi from Nostis
- New Media from Antonio de Nebrija University
- Structural Materials: Selection and Economics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Mechanics of Deformable Structures: Part 1 from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Linear Circuits 2: AC Analysis from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Nanotechnology: A Maker’s Course from Duke University
- Systèmes d’Information Géographique – Partie 2 from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- Enseignes et afficheurs à LED from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- Systèmes d’Information Géographique – Partie 1 from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- Electrical Engineering: Sensing, Powering and Controlling from University of Birmingham
- Introduction to FPGA Design for Embedded Systems from University of Colorado Boulder
- Control automático: La tecnología invisible from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- Technical Report Writing for Engineers from The University of Sheffield
- Disegno tecnico industriale from University of Naples Federico II
- Industrial Biotechnology from University of Manchester
- Environmental Management & Ethics from Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
- Introduction to solar cells from Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
- Software-Defined Radio 101 with RTL-SDR from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Introducción al Audio Digital from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Introducción a la ciencia de BIOmateriales from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Construcción de Estructuras de Madera de modo tradicional from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Curves in Engineering and Architecture/ Las Curvas en Ingeniería y Arquitectura from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Explorando la Energía Sustentable from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- High Performance Finite Element Modeling from KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- Introduction to the Theory of Distributions and Applications from University of Pavia
- Fundamentos para la calificación de procedimientos de soldadura y soldadores from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): A Strategic Approach from University of Pennsylvania
- Influence from University of Pennsylvania
- Personnel Management for Public Libraries from University of Michigan
- Accounting for Decision Making from University of Michigan
- Valuing Companies from University of Michigan
- Budgeting and Finance for Public Libraries from University of Michigan
- Strategic Business Management – Microeconomics from University of California, Irvine
- Strategic Business Management – Macroeconomics from University of California, Irvine
- Introduction to Business for Analytics from Georgia Institute of Technology
- The Free Cash Flow Method for Firm Valuation from Columbia University
- Introduction to Corporate Finance from Columbia University
- Accounting Analysis I: Measurement and Disclosure of Assets from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Global Impact: Business Ethics from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Entrepreneurship II: Practices and Approaches from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Formal Financial Accounting from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Accounting Analysis II: Accounting for Liabilities and Equity from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Entrepreneurship I: Principles and Concepts from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Global Impact: Cultural Psychology from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Marketing in an Analog World from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Modern Empowerment in the Workplace from The Open University
- Managing Public Money from The Open University
- Introduction to Accounting from The University of British Columbia
- Organizational Behaviour from The University of British Columbia
- Business Foundations from The University of British Columbia
- Marketing Analytics from University of Virginia
- Ethical Leadership Through Giving Voice to Values from University of Virginia
- Which markets to play in? A tool for entrepreneurs and innovators from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- Research Report: Delivering Insights from University of California, Davis
- Research Report: Delivering Insights from University of California, Davis
- Quantitative Research from University of California, Davis
- Qualitative Research from University of California, Davis
- Research Proposal: Initiating Research from University of California, Davis
- Работа с клиентской базой и входящий маркетинг from Higher School of Economics
- Маркетинговая стратегия в digital среде (Digital marketing strategy) from Higher School of Economics
- Контекстная реклама. Google AdWords from Higher School of Economics
- Leading the Organization from University of Queensland
- Leading High-Performing Teams from University of Queensland
- Leading in a Complex Environment from University of Queensland
- Tourism and Travel Management from University of Queensland
- Becoming an Effective Leader from University of Queensland
- Entrepreneurship for Global Challenges in Emerging Markets from Delft University of Technology
- Electric Cars: Technology, Business, and Policy from Delft University of Technology
- Leadership In Practice from The University of Oklahoma
- Интернет-предпринимательство from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
- Бизнес-процессы, организационное проектирование, механизмы и системы управления from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
- Financial Accounting and Analysis from Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
- Legal Tech & Startups from IE Business School
- From Brand to Image: Creating High Impact Campaigns That Tell Brand Stories from IE Business School
- Acuerdos globales para el desarrollo sostenible from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- 商管研究中的賽局分析:通路選擇、合約制定與共享經濟 from National Taiwan University
- Leadership Coaching through Turbulent Times: Playing with eFIREfrom Queensland University of Technology
- Entrepreneurship Strategy: From Ideation to Exit from HEC Paris
- SFCW101 – Share Food, Cut Waste from Politecnico di Milano
- STR101: Strategy from Politecnico di Milano
- FinPerTutti101 – Finanza per tutti from Politecnico di Milano
- Clinical Supervision: Planning Your Professional Development from University of East Anglia
- Financial Management in Organizations from University System of Maryland
- Financial Accounting for Corporations from University System of Maryland
- Financial Decision Making from University System of Maryland
- First Steps in Making the Business Case for Sustainability from University of Colorado System
- More on Change and Sustainability from University of Colorado System
- Sustainable Business: Big Issues, Big Changes from University of Colorado System
- Six Sigma Advanced Define and Measure Phases from University System of Georgia
- Six Sigma Advanced Improve and Control Phases from University System of Georgia
- Six Sigma and the Organization (Advanced) from University System of Georgia
- Six Sigma Tools for Analyze from University System of Georgia
- Six Sigma Principles from University System of Georgia
- Six Sigma Tools for Improve and Control from University System of Georgia
- Six Sigma Advanced Analyze Phase from University System of Georgia
- Six Sigma Tools for Define and Measure from University System of Georgia
- Психотехнологии работы с персоналом (Psychotechnologies of personnel management) from Saint Petersburg State University
- Cálculo y compensación de la huella de carbono en organizaciones from Universitat Jaume I
- Decent Work in Global Supply Chains from Pennsylvania State University
- Aviation is Your Future from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
- FinTech and the Transformation in Financial Services from Copenhagen Business School
- Digital Competition in Financial Services from Copenhagen Business School
- Innovation Strategy: Developing Your Fintech strategy from Copenhagen Business School
- Industry 4.0: How to Revolutionize your Business from Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- The Economics of Agro-Food Value Chains from Technische Universität München (Technical University of Munich)
- FRUTURA Technologies: Quality of Fruits (Tecnologías FRUTURA: Calidad de frutas) from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Liderando la transformación digital en las organizaciones from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Principles of Project Management from The College of St. Scholastica
- Leadership and Management from University of Northampton
- Coaching in the Knowledge Era from Deakin University
- Leading and Managing People-Centred Change from Durham University
- Innovation Strategy: Challenging the Usual Suspects from Université libre de Bruxelles
- Governance in Co-operatives from University of Saskatchewan
- Managing Innovation from LUISS
- Логистика from St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University
- Asset Pricing from University of Chicago Booth School of Business
- Budgeting essentials and development from Fundação Instituto de Administração
- Introduction to Interfaith Leadership from Dominican University
- P2P en el sector turístico from Antonio de Nebrija University
- Fintech. La banca del futuro from Antonio de Nebrija University
- Big data Marketing from Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
- Green Marketing from Heliopolis University
- Основы риск-менеджмента в Банке from Sberbank Corporate University
- International Travel Preparation, Safety, & Wellness from Johns Hopkins University
- Leveraging the Power of Professional Communities from University of California, San Diego
- Achieving Your Optimal Performance from University of California, San Diego
- Converting Challenges into Opportunities from University of California, San Diego
- Business Communications from The University of British Columbia
- Media ethics & governance from University of Amsterdam
- Речевой этикет: вежливость и коммуникативные стратегии from Higher School of Economics
- Psychology of Personal Growth from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- The Dynamics of Group Communication from University of Colorado Boulder
- Presentation skills: Designing Presentation Slides from Tsinghua University
- Presentation skills: Speechwriting and Storytelling from Tsinghua University
- Presentation skills: Public Speaking Project from Tsinghua University
- Presentation skills: Effective Presentation Delivery from Tsinghua University
- Менеджмент профессиональной траектории from Tsinghua University
- Mediation and Conflict Resolution from ESSEC Business School
- Evidence-Based Business Communication from Australian National University
- Negoziazione e comunicazione efficace from University of Naples Federico II
- Visual Presentation from Rochester Institute of Technology
- Storytelling in the Workplace from Rochester Institute of Technology
- Critical Thinking & Problem-Solving from Rochester Institute of Technology
- Maintaining a Mindful Life from Monash University
- Conflict Management for College Students from Colorado State University Online
- Excel Skills for Business: Intermediate II from Macquarie University
- Excel Skills for Business: Essentials from Macquarie University
- Excel Skills for Business: Advanced from Macquarie University
- Excel Skills for Business: Intermediate I from Macquarie University
- Professional Resilience: Building Skills to Thrive from Deakin University
- The Way Forward – Easing the Transition Life Skills from Lakeland College
- Introducción a la gamificación a través de casos prácticos from Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- Trabajar para ser feliz from Universidad Austral
- Excel aplicado a los negocios (Nivel Avanzado) from Universidad Austral
- Improve Your Research Skills from Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Basiscursus informatievaardigheden from Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Mi Primer Empleo (MPE) from Universidad de Chile
- Negociación y resolución de conflictos from Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso